Hermes Garden Party Bag

The latest is the lovely Ada which won me over with its simple design and studded ornaments. This replica handbags could be worn to dress up some jeans or with a more formal pant suit to make the outfit more slouchy and casual.

Hermes Garden Party Bag

My new bag obsession is the Mia bag by Kooba. It has some of my favorite details in a bag: outside pockets, nice long straps, inside pockets and of course the lovely studs. I also like that it look vaguely 70′s and I can sort of remember my mom having a similar bag when I was little. (Note: My mom just walked by me and noticed the Damier Azur on my computer screen, and pointed out that the metal studs might wear off easily–something to think about.)

Par dmonclers le lundi 08 août 2011


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